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Intelligent Systems Division

MaxEnt 2005

25th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering

San José State University, San José CA USA
Aug 7-12, 2005

Late Registration Open (there is still room)
    click here

Full Papers Due: 1 August 2005
Please submit by email to:
Accepted formats: .doc, .tex, .pdf, .ps, or zipped .gz, .zip

Honored Speaker
We will be honoring John Parker Burg for his ground-breaking contributions to
Maximum Entropy Spectral Estimation, and his prominent role in forming the
Edwin T. Jaynes International Center for Bayesian Methods and Maximum Entropy.

Invited Speakers

Thomas Cover Stanford University
David Draper University of California Santa Cruz
Christopher A. Fuchs Bell Labs, Murray Hill NJ USA
Ronald A. Howard Stanford University
Chris McKay NASA Ames Research Center
Mike West Duke University

For over 25 years the MaxEnt workshops have explored the use of Bayesian and Maximum Entropy methods in scientific and engineering applications. All aspects of probabilistic inference such as Techniques, Applications, and Foundations, are of interest. More recently, presentations of techniques involving Markov chain Monte Carlo and Model Selection have been growing. Application areas include, but are not limited to: Astronomy and Astrophysics, Geophysics, Medical Imaging, Source Separation, Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Chemistry, Earth Science, Robotics. Foundational issues involving probability theory and information theory, and inference and inquiry are of keen interest.

Local Organizers

Kevin H. Knuth NASA Ames
Ali Abbas UIUC
Pat Castle Education Assoc./NASA Ames/Stanford
Timothy Hsu SJSU
Karen Huyser Education Assoc./NASA Ames/Stanford
Bernd Fischer RIACS/NASA Ames
Robin Morris RIACS/NASA Ames
John Stutz NASA Ames
Kevin Wheeler NASA Ames

Download Flyer [pdf 453kb].

Advisory Committee

G. L. Bretthorst Washington Univ., USA
A. Caticha SUNY Albany, USA
V. Dose IPP, Germany
G. Erickson Boise State Univ., USA
R. Fischer IPP, Germany
K. Hanson LANL, USA
K. H. Knuth NASA Ames, USA
T. Loredo Cornell Univ., USA
A. Mohammad-Djafari LSS-CNRS, France
C. Rodriquez SUNY Albany, USA
J. Skilling Cambridge, UK
C. Ray Smith Univ. of Mississippi, USA
Udo von Toussaint IPP, Germany
W. von der Linden Tech. Univ. Graz, Austria

Abstract Deadline
    10 May 2005

Registration Deadline
    20 June 2005

Full Papers Due
    1 August 2005

Visa Information
    The National Academies International Visitors Office
    US Department of State

Dr. Kevin H. Knuth
Mail Stop 269-3
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field CA 94035-1000

Phone: +1-650-604-4279
FAX: +1-650-604-4036