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Intelligent Systems Division


Fairmont Hotel
170 South Market Street
San Jose, CA, 95113
PHONE: +1-408-998-1900
FAX: +1-408-287-1648
Ask for the MAXENT Group Rate

Map of Fairmont Hotel area

The MAXENT Rate is $111/night, plus $25 per extra adult (up to 4 persons).
We are arranging an online registration that will automatically give you the discounted rate.

University Club
408 South 8th Street
San Jose, CA 95112
The MAXENT Rate is $50/night.

Map of University Club area

For other options try

For "Eco-friendly" cleaning services try Big Island Cleaning Service

For the destination enter: San Jose CA
In the light blue bar above the hotel list is a drop-down menu with the option 'Show Hotels Near Landmark'. Select 'San Jose State University', which is where the workshop will take place.

San Jose Hotels